
Friday, 23 March 2018

M.I.T Inquiry Term 1

After our M.I.T Hui, I re-looked at my student data and gathered more information. The new data that I gathered was interesting and has made me rethink my inquiry focus. My focus was originally on engagement and critical thinking. My student voice data showed that my students are engaged in the learning and motivated. This has been a shift from the end of last year. So in the first 7 weeks this term I have already engaged this group of learners (Which is sometimes half the challenge). So I can now focus on the critical thinking and problem-solving. Possible next focus steps: 

- Universal design for learning 
- Blooms taxonomy 
- Learner-based discussions with a focus on deeper level questioning. 
-Rewindable learning
-Reflection on practice
-My knowledge of STEM needs to be upskilled.
-How I can integrate STEM throughout the day?

-Rich tasks- STEM- prompts problem-solving

The STEM element of my inquiry has had a strong science focus this term. Students are enjoying the science experiences and have started asking questionings on their own. The next step will be thinking deeply about these questions and then find the answers. I want the students to drive their own learning and inquiries so they can become lifelong learners. 

Below is data gathered in Week 5-6 of Term 1 2018 

PAT Maths 2017
PAT reading Comp
Asttle Writing
8 / 41 Staine 2
10 / 35 Staine 3
11 / 41Staine 3
11 / 35 Staine 3
12 / 41 / Staine 3
12 / 35 Staine 3

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