
Monday 21 August 2017

How to use a "Say it grid" ....

Today Alida came into my class and modelled to me how to use a 'Say It' grid. I had used it before but after watching Alida, I realised that I wasn't using it to its full potential. 

I created the sentences on the grid and made it 4 by 4. 
Alida started by reading out the questions as a whole class, making sure all students understood the new vocabulary (Siren, enclosure).  Alida modelled to students how to respond to the questions and use the connective 'because'. She prompted students when they gave an answer to use the word 'because' to explain why something happened or why they gave that reason. Straight away I noticed the vocabulary the students were using and how Alida used prompting strategies and think alouds to help students extend their thinking and the sentences they are using. Alida recorded vocabulary that she wanted the students to use in their writing. (E.g Inappropriate, trouble, zookeeper, rules, mauled, well fed, habitat, respect, protect, disturb) . Overall my observation of Alida was a success and I managed to take new strategies to help me bump up my lower learners with their writing. 

So what? Say it grids are an important tool to increase students vocabulary and understanding about a given topic, to help students form correct sentences using unfamiliar connectives or sentence structure ( Compound or complex sentences) To focus ideas for writing. 


  1. Hi Becs, thank you for allowing me to model the Say It grid in your class. Hope it was helpful to you. How did the 4 boys sentences at the end turn out? Did they use any of the new words that we recorded on the board?

  2. Hi Alida,

    Thanks so much for modelling this. It was a huge help; especially with that group. They all managed to write a sentence using 'because' and including some of the new vocabulary you introduced!

  3. Sounds fabuly. I wish you had videoed it so we all could learn from it. I look forward to hearing more
