Sentence Starters for Reading Comprehension Strategies
· Activating prior knowledge
Based on what I already know I think.....
The illustrations tell me ..... about the text.
• Self-monitoring
I am not sure what ..... means. I think that I will.....
This section does not make sense to me. Maybe I could think about......
• Predicting
I predict ...... because....
Based on the illustrations, I predict.....
This picture makes me think that.... therefore....
• Questioning
I wonder why, where, when, how, if, who...?
What is the author trying to tell me......
• Making connections
This reminds me of......
I think these ideas connect together because...
I have read another book that reminds me of ....
• Visualising
In my mind I can see....
I can imagine ......
• Inferring
I already know that.... so I think.....
I think that..... because .....
I think what is really going on is....
• Summarising
So far I know....
In my own words the story is about....
The main idea in this story is......