I have got three target students that I am focusing on for my MIT inquiry and my TAI ( within my school). My inquiry is around how I can increase critical thinking in literacy. I completed an asttle Reading test on my class to look at the gaps in their learning.
The gaps for target students:
- Find, select and retrieve information
- Make inferences
- Respond using understandings and information
- Skim and Scan for information
- Knowledge of Vocabulary
- Identification and understanding of main ideas.
So what? What is going to help?
I have created a 'bookmark' to support a Critical Reading approach for the students to use while Reading. The bookmark provides a thinking framework for the students. With a focus on predicting, self-monitoring, questioning and summarising. This reciprocal reading/ critical reading approach will hopefully provide students with a supportive framework. Then I can build on these important strategies in my reading sessions. The next few weeks I will ensure they know how to use the framework effectively and are discussing their ideas within their groups.
What knowledge do I need to know?
- The links between Oral language and Reading. - Will find readings to support my learning.
- Using Universal Design for Learning - This could help with my Reading Programme (I am going to a UDL course today).
I never realised how important talking about a story before reading was until I started my training in Reading Recovery. I am pleasantly surprised on how the oral language before the reading supports the child's understanding (meaning) of the text and connecting it to their own world and experiences. making children aware of certain phrases or particular vocabulary. Hope you have heaps of positive results on your thinking framework.