
Thursday, 24 May 2018

Kootuitui Unconference

Yesterday we had our annual Kootuitui Unconference. As a cluster, we came together and had the opportunity to attend toolkits on what we wanted to learn about. It was a great way to share the expertise we have within the cluster in a relaxed way.

Toolkit One

I attend the drone workshop. The presenter discussed using a drone to teach students how to code. He used the app tinker. It was easy to use and allowed students to control the drone from the app. Unfortunately, the drone didn't connect to the app, so we didn't get to see it take off. 

Toolkit Two
I took a tool on using the new google sites. I came ready with how to embed moving pictures onto your site but the needs of the group were different. I had three people attend with questions about using google sites. This was great as I just was able to sit and assist them and it didn't take much time.

Class walkthroughs

Yesterday we had class walk-throughs in our staff meeting. This was a great way to reflect on our space and how we represent our children in our classrooms. It was great to see how much amazing work is going on in all our classes. This gave us all the opportunity to learn from each other. We talked about how our PB4L teaching and learning is visible. How our classroom culture is reflected in the space and how does the space reflect our school?

What next for me?

Although I have examples/ models for students to use I also need more work created by the students. I start could be even taking pictures of them working in science- This gives them more ownership of the space.

I am lucky that I have such a large classroom- but it does swallow up any wall displays I have and it always looks empty. I am going to try and take some of my posters down and replace with students work.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Developing in Digital Worlds Session One

What is argumentation? To be able to substantiate, and evaluate, the integration of claims, reasoning, and evidence to support rational decision making or belief, while also giving appropriate attention to counterclaims, reasoning, and evidence that informs a critically reasoned conclusion.
(Kuhn, 2015); Common Core State Standards.

The kotuitui data shows low results in: 
  • Critical thinking in literacy 
  • Discussion 
  • Commenting on DLO

We talked about how we can get students to have more discussions. We need to think of their blogs as a continuous learning journey- a process of learning. Other people can comment and give feedback and the students can better their learning. 

(A blog is a place for the draft- Asking parents if they can you engage in their learning- a Critical piece of work opposed to a finished work) 

Argumentation links cognitive with the social. Developing social skills- Key competencies. 

Thinking of my teaching- When I am planning I need to think to myself 'how much critical thinking was required for the student to create their DLO?' Templates confine students to a certain way of thinking.

To do: 
I want to start my argumentation journey with a text looking at the different perspectives that students could have. Discussing why. Starting  my thinking frame with  Should..... ( That way all students to access in argumentation) 

Monday, 21 May 2018

MIT - KPMG Session Two

KPMG Session Two 

Whats working? Students Reading Results are shifting.

Whats not? The tool- I have created a framework to use in reading but feel like I have reinvented the wheel. What I have created is nothing new.

What do I need help with? The framework and getting outside my box. Seeing what other clusters and schools are doing in Reading.

PD- Sheena Cameron Reading comp- Are using her posters to drive my framework thinking.
What questions do I want to ask?

What impact do I have on my learners? Why we believe what we believe? 
Student agency
Intrically motivated- believing in them- giving them opportunities to take risks/giving things a go.
Relationship building
Respect and empathy key

Below are notes from the catalyst core education game. Someone was recording what I was saying:
Catalyst - Core Education
TEAM MEMBER:  Rebecca (critical thinking in reading

Lots of new learning - but finding that she needs to be careful on who she talks to.  And wanting to get out there and visit new ones.

Trialing lots of new things

Feels that it is important to get out of her bubble and go wider and deeper - critical thinking in reading is very important.


Where did you get the idea that critical thinking  in reading was the way to go - data showed disengagement

This lead to a change in thinking from stem based to reading based as this is where the problem really was. - learning circles creates discussions that will help them.  Trialed sentence starters to help scaffold - They still need this so they can experience success.

Research-engaged with - needing to find this - looked at clusters data feedback and looking at literacy - people are having the same problems

Research on reciprocal reading would help.  Dani - also Rebecca Jenson - wide and deep text reading.
Also Angela Moala

What might will this mean to students - kids keen, need scaffolding - Fight over roles (good) - them becoming the leaders of their learning - not revolving around the teacher - increase mana no matter what role they take.  - Will look at visiting Danny who is doing this reciprocal reading to build

Have you looked at the models you use to teach?  Are you explicit? - Not consistently  - This can be an area for a big change if you are modeling how it can be done.  Co-constructing and what it looks like for them.  Struggling with time out of class to ensure that this consistently.

How are we going to learn more about the changes you are making - making blog posts - so far I have been surface but need to go deeper - take some time to focus.

My Who? 
- Sally
- Dani- Point England
- Jacinta (Wolf Fisher) Digital world PD - Literacy focus.

The students 
-E ( ESOL)
-Ta (ESOL)

Class On Air 2018 What's That?


Throughout the year I will be updating my Manaiakalani Google Class OnAir site with links to my planning, resources, reflections, videos of my teaching, and links to the learners work on their blogs. There are 10 Manaiakalani teachers from various schools and levels for you to check out.

Direct Instruction
The learning intention for this lesson was to use our senses to describe a substance.  Students were given two substances (baking soda and malt vinegar) in pairs, they had to use their 5 senses to describe the substance and collect data to help them figure out what the substances were. They also observed how the substances interacted together and why. 
The video shows the class instruction, and then two groups working on the experiment. 

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Science Observation with Susan


Purpose for the lesson: Watch video of ants, Critique whether this method ( video)  of communicating facts is successful.

Particular aspect of the lesson (of my practice) that I want to focus on: Questions. Making connections with kids idea

Ants: Super Soldiers

This clip provides lots of facts about ants in a narrative form that is filled with “combat” vocabulary. Take the time to watch and note vocab before you show to students.

Embark- begin (a course of action).

Chemical warfare

Infiltrated - enter or gain access to (an organization, place, etc.) surreptitiously and gradually, especially in order to acquire secret information.


military precision - very organized, professional

underground bunkers

Intelligence gathering

Reconnaissance missions- to obtain information by visual observation or other detection methods, about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy, or about the meteorologic, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area.


1. Watch through. Students note facts at the end of the viewing. Count facts and put a number in a circle. Allow some time for discussion.

Who has a fact?
Who else got that one?

2. Students can critique whether this method of communicating facts is successful.
What do you think about how the presenter gave us facts?
Was this helpful or not? WHY?

WALT- Evaluate ( Judge something)
I agree with that because…
A better solution would be….

3. Go deeper with Notice Think Wonder as a framework. Watch again.

What happens when they hear a fact they have already noted?
Do they add more facts to their knowledge bang re: ants? Do they make connections to other facts?

After viewing the clips have a discussion about the different approaches used by the makers of the clips. They might like to use some of the techniques when making their own presentations.

Filmed with an army approach- links to super soldiers.

So what?

Susan helped the students make connections with the behavior of ants and soldiers. Explaining that humans may have learned from them. She encouraged the students to go outside and find ants. Reflecting on this. Was it easy? How could we make it easier? What could we use to draw the ants to one place? The focus made connections to a range of key competencies as well as looking at critical literacy. Were the filmmaker's choices effective? or helpful? What technology did they use to assist them? We discuss small cameras and connected this with hospitals and operations were they use small cameras. My takeaways from the observation were; that I need to see more widely- and make connections across the curriculum and that my students had some great observations and wonderings- I need to draw on that and extend them.


How to design learning for all students 


Engagement- Provide an environment that is supportive of all students 
Representation- How we present the information in different ways 
Action and Expression- Learn, create, share. 

Technology- Google tools/ site- 
Instructions not too much on one slide
Adding audio
Using videos
Rewindable learning. 
Visual prompts 

Differentiated thinking 
-Fix the students 

UDL thinking: 
Design from the edges 
Being inclusive 
Giving them options of tasks to choose from 

7 Principles of Learning 
The principles are identified as:
  1. Learners at the center
  2. The social nature of learning
  3. Emotions are integral to learning
  4. Recognising individual differences
  5. Stretching all students
  6. Assessment for learning
  7. Building horizontal connections 

So what? 

After the course, I thought that a lot of my practice does have the UDL principles underpinning it. The course allowed me to see that a lot of what myself and sally are already doing is UDL and is allowing all students to be included. One take away from the course was that I should plan from the edges of my class and give more options or avenues for students to take when learning. An inquiry learning focus helps students get more choices and allows me as the teacher to offer many different ways to complete the inquiry. At times I find it easier to differentiate the learning to meet the needs of my students but this has its implications. Next week I am going to plan with a UDL hat on. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Analysing Target Students Data

I have got three target students that I am focusing on for my MIT inquiry and my TAI ( within my school). My inquiry is around how I can increase critical thinking in literacy. I completed an asttle Reading test on my class to look at the gaps in their learning. 

The gaps for target students: 
  • Find, select and retrieve information
  • Make inferences 
  • Respond using understandings and information 
  • Skim and Scan for information 
  • Knowledge of Vocabulary 
  • Identification and understanding of main ideas. 
So what? What is going to help?

I have created a 'bookmark' to support a Critical Reading approach for the students to use while Reading. The bookmark provides a thinking framework for the students. With a focus on predicting, self-monitoring, questioning and summarising. This reciprocal reading/ critical reading approach will hopefully provide students with a supportive framework. Then I can build on these important strategies in my reading sessions. The next few weeks I will ensure they know how to use the framework effectively and are discussing their ideas within their groups. 

What knowledge do I need to know? 

  • The links between Oral language and Reading. - Will find readings to support my learning. 
  • Using Universal Design for Learning - This could help with my Reading Programme (I am going to a UDL course today). 

Check Box on Google Sheets

Yesterday a colleague (Sally) showed me the amazing new feature on google sheets- Checkboxes! This will help me keep track of what tasks my students have completed during the week in a simple way.