
Monday, 26 February 2018

M.I.T Hui

Design Thinking 

Day One 
The Hui started discussing why the MIT programme came about, and why we as teachers are doing this. Dorothy talked about the escalator challenge and how there are two paths on an escalator. Left going up and right going down. This stood as a metaphor for students who have disadvantages in the education system (Health, family, coming to school with less known words.. etc) Meaning that the education system is a lot harder for them, and we as teachers need to help them up to the top by encouraging and supporting them through discovering how they learn best. 

The first step in the design process involved learning as much as possible about the problem by understanding both the context of the situation and understanding the problem at hand from the perspective of the “user.” We wrote down 'who' our problem was about, the people involved, who could help us. This was helpful and insightful as it narrowed the people in my circle and those who could help me with the inquiry. We completed a BAR task ( Bigger, add, and replace) 

The next step we looked at each others problems and asked why questions. We each had to take up different occupations and asked questions from their point of view. This was hard for me as I kept thinking of questions with a teacher hat, it was a challenge to move away from this point of view. 

We then reflected back on our data that we provided for our proposals. We all walked away realizing that we all needed more data. My proposal had data but some was missing due to no data entered last year. My next step will be to gather more student voice for data to help me move forward with my inquiry. 

Day Two 
On the second day, we looked at design thinking (Ideation). We did a crazy 8 idea of our proposals. I found this the most beneficial because it made me think of 8 other ideas that I could use for my inquiry. It helped me think more outside of the box and deeper into my inquiry. 

Crazy 8 
1. Portal of activities
2. Interactive App (Game) Key ideas around problem-solving and thinking critically.  
3. Youtube channel (Videos of interesting engaging lessons students can rewind and reflect on)
4. Inquiry learning/ integrated curriculum - real-life tasks.
5. Learning through STEM. Tracking our learning through videos/ pictures/ voice audio/ Can look back and reflect which will be key to critical thinking.
6. Virtual tours (Giving our student's opportunities to think and problem solve) 
7.Creating a bank of resources where students can choose their own inquiry. 
8. Science in context. Working with engineers to create space crafts etc. 

The ones I have made bold are the ones that others in the group thought would help solve the problem in my inquiry.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Science Observation- Susan Heeps

Notes of Observations :

Straight away started making predictions about what things were going to be used for.
Science helps us to name/understand and explain the natural world / physical world.
We live in the natural/ physical world- important to know how it works.
Scientists want to find out about the world using those senses.

  • Smell ( Nose)
  • See ( eyes)
  • Touch (Hands)-whos walked on sharp stones- did you feel it? Our whole Bodies- SKIN! Linking to their prior knowledge.
  • Taste (tongue)
  • Hear  (ears)

Explaining word meanings - Journal (day)
Part/ house/ minute/ second/ nano second


Setting up science journal - Me and T page.

Me (Page)
Something that comes into your head/
Thinks you notice

Teacher page
Learning intentions
Success criteria
(Signposts to let us know that we are on the right track)

I Notice- I Think - I Wondering (Questions)

Equipment / Gear
Plastic plate
Ice block stick - spatial ( explain the word) use it to pick up a little bit of something
Container - shot glass
Magnifying glass - tool/ technology to help us identify our senses.

Success Criteria
Noticing , Thinking, Wondering.

  1. Use of senses
  2. Collect data
  3. Describe substance ( Science word for stuff)

Methodically- one bit at a time- follow a plan *

What do you notice
Substance 1

No smell
Substance 2

Data- NO opinions ( yuck or yum- words that describe)

Vocab used: 

Powder- tiny grain of sand
No smell/
Slight smell
Strong smell- pungent
Take a pinch- very small amount