Manaiakalani Session Five
Fiona Grant came in and talked about the concept of 'Cybersmart' within the Manaiakalani program. It is important to empower out students and elevate positive actions when teaching them about being cyber smart. The Kawa of Care motto "Right place at the right time" has been a focus in my classroom and it actually made me think about my response when students are on the wrong tasks- a reminder of the "right place at the right time" response may allow for a more positive interaction. We also talked allowing students to have access to Multimodal Learning (Writing, video, animation, Infographic, comic, podcast, Audio). We looked at the image below and discussed the benefits of using the four different types of text to cater to the needs of all students and allow them to be challenged and think deeper. I have already been thinking about my Reading Programme and have been wondering how to allow my students to go deeper into the text. Using "say it grids" could add to my bank of activities to accelerate my students. Below is my site I created today, I tried to use multimodal texts and different types of texts in relation to the image below.
I am looking forward to hearing how you have implemented multiple texts in your reading this week. It is something that digital devices make so much more possible than in the past we we had to physically locate extended texts for our learners.